JASIS 2024, Announcement of joint exhibition

We are pleased to announce that HiPep Laboratories and Nippon Light Metal Co., Ltd. will co-exhibiting at the JASIS 2024 (Most Advanced Exhibition for Scientific/Analytical Systems & Solutions), the Makuhari Messe International Exhibition Center, Chiba prefecture.

The exhibition concept is “New bio-measurement technology”.

Next generation bio-detection “PepTenChip” system, based on novel principal, is the peptide microarray with fluorescent labeled de novo designed peptide as capture molecules, invented by HiPep Laboratories. This system detects the interaction between the capture molecules (peptides on the array) and analytes by fluorescence intensity changes, and statistical analysis enables characterization even when specific markers (for example, disease responsible molecules) are unknown. Applications and recently accomplished diagnostic results on pre-gastric cancer and discrimination in multiple sclerosis will be demonstrated using an actual apparatus with a data-base. In the case of time for demonstration, please email us in advance with your preferred date and time: contact  ✉PepTenChip@hipep.jp.

【 Dates 】  September 4 (Wednesday) – 6 (Friday), 2024

【 Venue 】  Makuhari Messe International Exhibition Hall

【 Booth Number 】    HALL 8  mini/solution exhibition corner  S – 40

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