InvitedLectures and presentations in international congress/symposia
2013/02/27 The 746th Chiba Cancer Center Seminar
Bio-conjugates for Separation, Diagnostics, and Theranostics; A Novel Biodetection System: Nokihara, K.
2013/04/24Nanjing Gene-Protein Biology China
Bio-conjugates for Separation, Diagnostics, and Theranostics; A Novel Biodetection System: Nokihara, K.
2013/04/27 BIT’s 6th Anual World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology, Nanjing, China
Development of a novel bio-detection system consisting of the array with structured peptides mimicking to proteins and novel chip-plates made from amorphous carbon: Nokihara, K.
2013/05/26~29 Prion2013, Banff, Alberta, Canada
Discovery of peptides from bovine brain which accelerate structural conversions of the recombinant bovine prion protein: Nokihara, K., Hitara, A. and Yajima, S.
2013/06/22~27 The 23rd American Peptide Symposium, Hawaii, USA
Designed Peptide Libraries for Cell Analyzing Microarrays: Mihara, H., Usui, K., Tsutsumi, H. and Nokihara, K.
2013/06/23~28 The 22nd International Glycoconjugate Symposium, Dalian, China
Bacterial cell wall peptidoglycan fragment library/array for investigation of their protein recognition:
Fujimoto, Y., Wang, N., Hirata, A., Nokihara, K. and Fukase, K.
2013/09/13 Invited lecture at the NANO Systems Institute, Seoul National University
A Novel Bio-Detection System, PepTenChip®: Consisting of the Array with Structured Peptides Mimicking to Proteins and Novel Chip-Plates Made from Amorphous Carbon: Nokihara, K.
2013/10/10 BioJapan 2013 World Business Forum, Pacifico Yokohama
Peptide-Libraries and Immobilization/Bio-conjugates: Applications to Bio-detection & Drug discovery: Nokihara, K.
2013/11/6~8 The 50th Japanese Peptide Symposium, Suita, Osaka
Efficiency comparison of recently developed polymer supports for assembly of structured amide bond compounds in SPPS
Akiyoshi Hirata, Midori Miyajima, Yuki Tominaga, Gen Ueta and Kiyoshi Nokihara