The patent, AGP (Angiogenic peptides) is approved in Japan, China and USA.

The patent, AGP (Angiogenic peptides) is approved in Japan, China and USA.

AGP was firstly invented in 2003 as an effective material with no toxicity, although the life time is relatively short and thus practically not useful. Then, novel materials exhibiting  endogenous stability were invented. The novel agents will contribute regenerative medicine such as engraftment for transplantation. We offer materials focusing on clinical collaborations and /or licensing out.


Bioorganic & Medicinal Chem. (2020) 28, 115685. DOI:10.1016/j.bmc.2020.115685;

Int. J. Peptide Res and Ther. (2022) 28, 1-4. DOI 10.1007/s10989-022-10404-2.

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